Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Elvis: A great story in a movie

 Elvis is one of the best dramatic movies ever, and I have no idea why it didn’t win any major Academy awards.  Taking the story of Elvis and creating, not just his life story, but also the pathos and tragedy of an international singer, who starts from nothing, becomes the most popular singer in the world and then falls from grace (Graceland), loses his marriage, takes illegal drugs, and then faces a coming financial ruin all by the age of 42.  How much more Shakespearean could someone’s life get?  

Like Mose Allison and Charley Pride, who also sounded black when they sang, Elvis too became popular with blacks. This film is a tribute to how a white kid, growing up in a black neighborhood obviously loved the blacks he knew and loved their gospel/church music.  His earlier music paid tribute to those songs, but later, which I did not know, he wrote many of his own. He became friends with B.B. King,  He made sure that blacks were part of his prominent lineup of singers in Las Vegas, because black groups like the Imperials were the best. . Earlier going against segregation laws in the South, he got on the wrong side of the Southern Democrats who wanted him jailed.  His activism was born of values that transcended the old-fashioned rhetoric of that time.

Austin Butler IS Elvis,and I was transported back to the 1950's easily with his character’s looks and voice.  Tom Hanks as Colonel Parker, Elvis’ conniving manager gets kudos for his excellence in body makeup a Dutch accent, tinged by the South and the part he plays..  Amazing characters, scenes, and story.  Best of course is the story.  You wouldn’t be taking a chance on this film now on Netflix. Press the button on Elvis.

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